Mabel Dodson Cortright > Jameson Harvey Ransom >
Charles Francis Ransom > Lillian Emma Ransom > Charles Lloyd Walters

I have often thought of Mabel as one of my favorite
ancestors, but I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s has something to do with the
number of great photos I have of her. Maybe I just like rattling off her “full”
name: Mabel Dodson Cortright Ramsey Ransom. My great-grandma Lillian remembers
meeting Mabel and I knew Lillian. Maybe it’s the thought that I knew someone
who, in turn, knew someone born in 1805. Makes the generations seem closer somehow. Whatever
the reason for my partiality, here is what I know about Mabel Cortright.

Mabel Dodson Cortright was born in Salem, Pennsylvania on November
25, 1805 to Isaac and Mary (Dodson) Cortright. She married John Ramsey around 1825 and the
couple had two children. John died in
1830 and on November 2, 1836, Mabel married Samuel Ransom. Samuel had 7
children (5 living in 1836) from his first marriage and together Mabel and
Samuel had 4 children. The family was living in Plymouth, Pennsylvania until at
least 1854 when Mabel was named in her father’s probate records. By 1860 they
were living in Chillisquaque, PA and Samuel died in Lewisberg, PA in 1863. From
1867 until around 1880, Mabel lived with her daughter and son-in-law Maggie and
Samuel Slifer and their children in Perry Hall Mansion in Baltimore County,
By 1885, Mabel was living with her son Jameson and his family
in Leroy, Iowa. Jackson, Michigan city
directories show Mabel once again with Maggie Slifer and family from 1888-1894,
and a photo taken in her 90
th year (1895) was developed in Jackson. Daughter
Maggie died in 1897, and by 1900 Mabel was again living with son Jameson in Leroy.
Mabel died on October 8, 1902 in Blairstown, Iowa and is buried in Pleasant
Hill Cemetery.
Her obituary was included in the Northwestern Christian
Advocate and concluded as follows: “She had the happy faculty of growing old
gracefully, seeing the bright and good sides of life and taking a keen interest
in the progress of the world. Her Christian life was not ostentatious or
pretentious, but rather of the quiet and modest kind. Her virtues were
beautiful in their simplicity and found sweetest expression in her home life.”
I can only hope for half such an obituary when I’m gone!
Sources: Census records and City Directories from; Northwestern Christian Advocate, Vol 50, Google Books; family
photos; Pennsylvania Probate records,; Ransom Notes compiled
by Karen A. Keil.
Hello. I enjoyed reading your blog. Mabel is my 3rd great grandmother on the Ramsay line. Her son Francis Asbury Ramsay is my 2nd great grandfather. Francis (Frank) Ramsay was living with Mabel in Baltimore in 1860. I am trying to find information about Mabel's first husband John Ramsay & their other child. Do you have any more details about John Ramsay?