The early life of Matthias Button is
unclear. Some histories say he was English, other that he was a Dutchman. We do
know he was in Boston by 1634, moved to Ipswich by 1641 and by 1646 he had settled
in Haverhill, Massachusetts. In looking through local and family histories, the
family live of Matthias is a bit unclear. He was married a number of times. His
first wife, Lettyce was a member of the First Church of Boston in 1634 and had
at least 2 children baptized in the church. It is believed his next wife was
Joan, followed by Teagel. (I’ve also seen it suggested that Lettyce and Teagel
could be the same person and Joan wasn’t married to Matthias). Elizabeth (Wheeler)
Duston was Matthias’ final wife who outlived him.
One thing is very clear – Matthias had
an enemy in John Godfrey.
John Godfrey was an
unusual man. His background is unknown and he never seemed to settle into any
permanent home, instead moving from place to place, staying with various people.
One place he could be found, however, was in court. Between 1658 and 1675 Godfrey
was in court for a minimum of 132 cases, 89 times as the plaintiff, 30 times as
the defendant, and 13 times under criminal charges, all with a surprisingly
high success rate.
What John Godfrey is most
notorious for however, were the charges of witchcraft. He was first charged in
1658/9 and although he was acquitted, the courts labeled him as “suspicious.”
Godfrey, it would seem, had little concern for how he was received by others.
Even though the communities regarded him as suspicious, Godfrey had a “tendency
to say things that would startle, or confuse, or annoy his listeners.”
In 1665/6 he was again
charged with witchcraft and Matthias Button and his daughters Sarah and Mary were
called as witnesses before the court in Boston. The verdict of the court was,
“We find him not to have the fear of God in his heart. He has made himself
suspiciously guilty of witchcraft, but not legally guilty according to the law
and evidence we have received.”
In 1669, Matthias sued
Godfrey for “firing his chimney which caused his house to burn and the goods
therein, also the death of his wife, and for running away as soon as he had
done it.” Matthias’ wife Teagel died in 1662 and it is believed that she was
victim of this fire. I find it curious that Matthias would wait so long to make
the claims against Godfrey. Perhaps the witchcraft and other charges brought
against Godfrey helped to spur Matthias to believing that Godfrey was to blame.
Whether Godfrey was at fault or not, we’ll never know, but the courts of the
day believed him to have some part in the tragedy. While the court did not have
the power to claim that Godfrey was responsible for the death, they did award
Matthias £238 2s.
The drama between Matthias
and Godfrey didn’t stop here. For years they continued to bring each other to
court over a variety of issues, many connected to the loss of his wife and
personal property. The troubles even extended past Matthias’ death as their
final court case was dismissed because Matthias was unable to make his court
appearance, having been dead for several weeks. Even after his death, Godfrey continued
to appear in the court records, seeking payments that were promised him from
previous cases involving Matthias.
Haverhill is only a few
miles from Salem, Massachusetts and in looking through some of the pages and
volumes of court case for Essex County, it is little wonder that, in about 20
years, the area would find itself in the middle of the Salem Witch Trials.
Matthias died on August
13, 1672 and didn’t leave a will. The estate’s inventory was taken, in part, by
Henry Kingsbury (his daughter, Sarah’s father-in-law) on March 9, 1673. The
division of the estate was finally decided by the courts on November 14, 1676,
more than four years after Matthias’ death. The estate was to be divided into
five equal parts, one part for each child. Two daughters were to have their
portions “delivered to their husbands as soon as possible” and the other shares
were to be delivered when the other children were of age or married.
Sources: The Records ofthe First Church in Boston, 1630-1868, volume 1, Richard D. Pierce, editor;
Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, Ancestry; Records and filesof the Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts, vol. IV 1667-1671 (and
additional volumes); Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of EarlyNew England, chapter 2, “Peace with No Man” by John Putnam Demos, Google Books;
History of Haverhill, Massachusetts: From its first settlement, in 1640, to the
year 1860, Ancestry; Probate Court Records of Essex County, Massachusetts